The advantages of working from home

1. Work Becomes More Flexible

Flexibility may be the thing that is most felt with the work from home pattern. Working from home allows us to do many things at once at home. Like when on the sidelines work, we can do light exercise. Then in terms of clothing, it will become more flexible when work, when working in the office requires us to be neat, whereas when working at home can provide we choose to wear everyday clothes at home, or even sleepwear though.

2. Get closer to family

Working at home may make our time to meet with family more than before when I was still working in the office. On the sidelines of working from home makes us closer and can talk more with the family. It can be said that work from home is our place to closer to family and replaces the time spent with family before when they were young work from the office.

3. Save Cost

It is undeniable that working from home can save us operational costs that we often spend while working from the office, such as gas costs, transportation costs, lunch and possible expenses issued when we have to go to the office.


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