What is the Future of Work From Home?
Forbes in his article entitled “Is Working From Home The Future of Work?” say that the pandemic
Covid-19 has really changed the work culture around the world,
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work from home is touted as a way of working in
future, and may even allow many companies to work from home in
future. Still sourced from Forbes, it is said that working from home can improve
employee productivity, improve work-life balance, and improve mental health.
Although maybe not all work can be done by working from home and there are many more
companies that have difficulty adjusting to work from home, but slowly the work culture will
changed. Although currently many companies are going to “switch” or “hybrid” their way of working
By combining working at home and working in the office, this is also done to comply with regulations
government regarding Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) so that those who work in offices only
who need to go to the office, for example to pick up documents or for a meeting
required to meet.
Although based on an article from the BBC entitled “How Will the Pandemic Change the Way We Work” it says
that of the 4,700 workers in the United States say that only 12% would like to return to work on a regular basis
full time in the office, while 72% want a combination of work from home and work in the office
office. Combining work at home and in the office, or can be called a hybrid model that starts
emerging during the Covid-19 pandemic can balance the efficiencies gained from working in
home and the benefits of social interaction as well as the creativity and innovation that comes from working directly
in the office to meet colleagues.
Work from home also raises the discussion about the problem of women as workers. Give
employees more flexibility in choosing when and where they work improves gender equality,
especially for women. Working remotely can help mothers better balance
between office and family responsibilities, and working from home can make dads too
involved in household matters which may have always been the responsibility of mothers.
Married couples can share responsibilities. In addition to the existence of gender equality by sharing
mutual responsibility for homework, work from home that appeared during the Covid-19 pandemic too
gave rise to the idea that even a woman could still work and be given the opportunity to
work. For women who are pregnant and working from home allows them to work without
too tired physically. Likewise when they have given birth, at least the mothers who have just given birth
and working from home allows for more time for the child to grow.
The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us a lot of things, as Jeanna Lundberg Co-
Founder and CEO of Respaces that Covid-19 taught us the importance of flexibility and trust, from
economic, sustainable and health perspectives. Organizations must be brave to provide choices like
“one-size-fits-all” as a corporate culture solution for the future. It can be concluded
that as humans we should easily adapt to all situations, one of which is by
Work From Home (WFH) and Work From Office (WFO) work patterns. Have you adapted to the culture
work WFH?
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