Show a friendly and open minded impression to the other person - for business communication can run effectively

Providing a friendly attitude to clients is one of the basic things to build trust and make clients comfortable communicating with you.
This matter you can give by: asking how he is, asking him first to shake hands, give a smile, speak in a cheerful tone, and insert sentences a friendly closing (if this happens in written form instead of verbal) such as: have a good day You are fun, success is always with you, or it is a pleasure to communicate with you. When You have given a friendly attitude and the client's trust has arisen in you, the rest is that you have an open minded attitude when communicating in discussing current business take place. This is done so that you can understand and be more open to points of view client.

It's not easy to take an open minded attitude, especially if your client has a point of view that is completely opposite to yours. But, listen and don't be you interrupt and state that you do not agree with the point of view put forward. This is very dangerous if you do, so think more openly and rebut his words by conveying your thoughts using polite language and polite attitude, so that the client understands the intent and purpose of the conversation, to achieve mutual agreement. Remember, don't force your point of view, find a solution together, so that the company you work for can still trust clients.

|•SOURCE•| Articles :RELIGION | Image :kesslerrecruitment |


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